/* Minification failed. Returning unminified contents. (5,1-2): run-time warning JS1195: Expected expression: < (5,25-26): run-time warning JS1004: Expected ';': b (7,1-2): run-time warning JS1195: Expected expression: i (7,57-58): run-time warning JS1004: Expected ';': { (16,3-4): run-time warning JS1034: Unmatched 'else'; no 'if' defined: e (19,1-2): run-time warning JS1002: Syntax error: } (21,23-24): run-time warning JS1004: Expected ';': { (74,2-3): run-time warning JS1195: Expected expression: < (81,19-21): run-time warning JS1197: Too many errors. The file might not be a JavaScript file: -- (65,1-38): run-time error JS1301: End of file encountered before function is properly closed: function genHeader(login_state, tier) (81,21-22): run-time warning JS1195: Expected expression: > (82,2-10): run-time warning JS1197: Too many errors. The file might not be a JavaScript file: document */ // JavaScript Document // load css /// if (/Firefox[\/\s](\d+\.\d+)/.test(navigator.userAgent)){ //test for Firefox/x.x or Firefox x.x (ignoring remaining digits); var ffversion=new Number(RegExp.$1) // capture x.x portion and store as a number //document.write("You're using FF" + ffversion) if (ffversion<5) { document.write("") } else { //document.write("load all responsive style"); genRestyle(); } } else { //document.write("load all responsive style"); genRestyle(); } function genRestyle() { document.write("") document.write("") document.write(" ") document.write("") document.write("") document.write("") } /// language switch //// function switchingLang(toLang) { var currentURL = location.href; if(toLang=="en"){ currentURL = currentURL.replace("/tc/", "/en/"); currentURL = currentURL.replace("/cn/", "/en/"); currentURL = currentURL.replace("/jp/", "/en/"); window.location.assign(currentURL); }else if(toLang=="tc"){ currentURL = currentURL.replace("/en/", "/tc/"); currentURL = currentURL.replace("/cn/", "/tc/"); currentURL = currentURL.replace("/jp/", "/tc/"); window.location.assign(currentURL); }else if(toLang=="sc"){ currentURL = currentURL.replace("/en/", "/cn/"); currentURL = currentURL.replace("/tc/", "/cn/"); currentURL = currentURL.replace("/jp/", "/cn/"); window.location.assign(currentURL); }else if(toLang=="jp"){ currentURL = currentURL.replace("/en/", "/jp/"); currentURL = currentURL.replace("/tc/", "/jp/"); currentURL = currentURL.replace("/cn/", "/jp/"); window.location.assign(currentURL); } } function showDebug(){ /// debug //// document.write(""); } function genHeader(login_state, tier) { showDebug(); tier_list = ["","尊貴會員", "至尊會員"] tier_name = tier_list[tier-1]; document.write("
"); document.write("