2023/2024 Sales Manual for Hotels Worldwide - Okura Hotels & Resorts / Nikko Hotels International / Hotel JAL City

IFIASPACIAC←34626223241××××××××××××××××ーーーーーーー /PALAUPalau Giant Clamfisheries experimental stationTo: Palau International AirportArakabesangislandPalau NationalMedical HospitalPalau VisitersAuthorityEnbassy of JapanDolphins Pacific OfficePalau Royal ResortHPalau Royal ResortMalakal islandPalau Port↓To: World Heritage “Rock Island”Main islandKoror islandPolice StationPalau AquariumRooms at 2F-6F in East WingNot furnished with ashtrayNot availableNot availableNot availableNot availableNot availableNumber of RoomsFloorBed Size (mm)39120018002F,4F110020120018002F110024145018006F11002714501218004F, 6F110016003F, 5F200016006F1600Smoking in the balcony isSize (m2)Rooms at 2F-6F in North WingFurnished with ashtray200042.0200042.0Available200042.0200042.0200042.0200042.0200042.0200042.0Available200042.0200042.0200042.0200042.0200072.0200072.0200074.02000124.0Wi-Fi:All guest roomsJapanese bidet:All guest roomsBathrobe:Setting in some roomsRoom TypeTwin2F ‒ 4FDouble2F ‒ 4FTripleTwin2F ‒ 3FDouble2F ‒ 3FTripleTwin5F ‒ 6FDouble5F ‒ 6FTripleTwin4F ‒ 6FDouble4F ‒ 6FTripleTwin2F, 4F, 6FDoubleTwin2F ‒ 5FTwinBeachBeachビーチSuperior GardenSuperior PremiumDeluxe HarborDeluxe OceanCorner Suite Premier SuiteRoyal SuiteSmoking is prohibited in principle. The difference between room types will be the rank of amenity,floor level, and bed size. Other conditions will be the same.・All rooms with overlooking ocean or harbor from balcony・A quiet private beach・Hotel has Private Pier to provide a greater access and convenience to the guest ・A very popular green surrounded restaurant・Poolside Party suitable for up to 200 ‒ 250 guestsTELP.O.BOX 10108, Koror, Republic of Palau 96940【Website】 http://www.palau-royal-resort.com 【E-mail】 reservations@palau-royal-resort.com(English,Japanese)47コーナーデラックスツインTotal……157This resort hotel is in front of a serene bay on the eastern coast of Malakal Island. All of the guest rooms have a balcony with an ocean view, and a simple, warm, spacious interior, decorated mainly in white. Come and have an unforgettable and precious time at the hotel’s private beach adjoining the deep blue sea, by enjoying kayaking, snorkeling and being with fish.Selling point of the hotel■Hotel Surroundings■Guest RoomsPopular spot● 10 minutes by car to downtown.● 20 - 30 minutes by boat to various tourist sea attractions. ● 50 - 60 minutes by boat to Peleliu Island.❽Waves Restaurant❾Mandara Spa❿Beach⓫Breeze Bar⓬Swimming Pool⓭Kid's Pool⓮Pool House⓯Diving Shop⓰Pier⓱Parking Lot⓲Laundry Room⓳Tennis Court⓴Mini Golf❶Lobby❷Reception❸Internet Library❹Art Gallery❺Conference Room❻Gift Shop❼Recreation Center●Structure: 6 floors●Access: From Palau International Airport 1. By Car: approx. 25 minutes 2. By Hotel Limousine Bus (There is no public transportation at Palau international airport.): approx. 25 minutes ($22/person)●Parking: Parking at hotel: 58 cars / 2 large buses●Check-in/Check-out: 14:00/12:00FAX: +680-488-6688+680-488-2000InformationPalau Royal Resort

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