1212○×−−KyushuTea & BarTea & BarLoungeLoungeBLOEMBLOEMSize (m2)380.0200100.0606:45 ‒ 9:30 11:30 ‒ 14:00 17:30 ‒ 20:30 (Last call)17:30 ‒ 21:00(L.O.)Tea Time 10:00 ‒ 18:00(L.O.) Bar Time 18:30 ‒ 23:00(Last call)Partial Use○/×Floor1FCapacity1201F601F22■ Floor Plan1FLavanderoie *1AjisaiTea & Bar Lounge BLOEMShikisaiBanquetSeated (Dinner)Standing (Buffet)Class RoomAjisai* Can be divided into twelve areas/Japanese tatami-mat banquet room (set 194 tatami mats).*1 There are cases in which it is closed due to private use. AjisaiFront Desk LavanderoieLobbyFloorCeiling (m)1F3.01F3.0TypeRestaurantJapanese RestaurantCafé & BarThe large communal bathNameShikisai *1EtoileNameJunior SuiteShikisaiGuest CapacityConferenceTheater −BLOEMLarge Public bathroomEtoileLavanderoie604060Hours The 54m2suite rooms are located at the top of 6th floor.Large Public BathJust relax and enjoy yourself.Make your stay more comfortable with an upgradeOperating Hours:■16:00 to 24:00 ■6:00 to 10:00■Banquet Rooms ■Restaurant & Bar84Junior Suite
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